Presentation Skills

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      • Qualifying participants psychologically and mentally to deal with the public / clients distinctly.
      • To provide the participants with presentation and presentation skills in an effective and effective manner that makes reaching the audience easier, clearer and deeper, as well as establishing the culture and importance of the dialogue between the exhibitor and all the attendees.



Technical Axes

      • Definition of presentation and presentation.
      • Why do we offer and what is its purpose?
      • Methods of planning to deliver the presentation in an effective and effective way.
      • Elements of a successful presentation.
      • Distinguished Exhibitor Skills.
      • Building first impression skills when attending.
      • What is the definition of the art of persuasion?
      • Use body language skills to deliver what you want professionally. Use of explanatory skills
      • Difficulties that guide you during the presentation and how to overcome them?
      • The audio skills of the exhibitor
      • How do they appear to correspond to those who speak?
      • Tools thaw with those who speak.
      • Causes of anxiety, tension and disposal methods.
      • How do you measure your success in delivering what you want?

Program Duration

3 training days / 18 training hours