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National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development” (NIGSD)  is a public economic organization, with advisory, training and research identity, supervised by the Minister for Planning and Economic Development.  The Institute has changed its vision and trends to serve Egypt’s Vision 2030 and to promote the concepts of governance and good governance, based on the decision of the Council of Ministers on 12 August 2020, instead of being the National Management Institute.
NIGSD aims to facilitate procedures and develop rules for dealing with State institutions and bodies and to coordinate the relevant bodies at both the central and local levels, in accordance with the standards of good governance.The Institute will monitor and follow up Egypt national and international classification in Governance, Competitiveness and Sustainable Development. The Institute will be responsible for setting national strategy and action plan in coordination with different GOE agencies.

Our Mission:

Enhance and develop Egypt's position in the field of governance and sustainable development by providing consultations, research and training programs that seek and emphasize the dissemination of the culture, values and practices of sustainability and activate the governance mechanisms in all sectors of the state.

Our Vision:

Become the leading center of excellence in providing consultancy, research and training on the
regional and international levels by 2030.

Strategic Objectives:

  • Formulate National Governance, Competitiveness and Sustainable Development indicators.
  • Release periodical Reports.
  • Work towards raising/ upgrading the international classification of Egypt in international Governance and Competitiveness Reports.
  • Build and Develop National Cadres.
  • Provide consultancy and training services to private (Non- governmental) entities.
  • Conduct research and statistical activities and surveys to enhance national knowledge in governance, competitiveness and Sustainable development, in partnership with national and international research organizations.
  • Establish and activate integrated information system, help in implementing executive programmes to maximize the benefits from large databases.
  • Develop Government management and enhance its efficiency through the continuous training and upgrade of up-to-date technological mechanisms and applications.
  • Activate/ encourage participatory to develop Governance and Competitiveness through e-evaluation system based on international evaluation indicators linked in a central network.
  • Collect and publish all efforts exerted by Egypt, National and International and Civil Society organizations in Governance and Sustainable Development.
  • Establish and manage interactive websites, applications and social media platforms to provide data on Egypt classification in Governance indicators, efforts and enhancements as well as the Institute fields of work.
  • Empower women and those of special needs.
  • Support the implementation of Egypt Vision 2030.

Core Values:

  1. Integrity.
  2. Inclusion & Diversity.
  3. Excellence.
  4. Innovation.
  5. Quality & Continuous Improvement.
  6. Commitment.